Each year, ALC's elementary, middle school, and high school students stage a major dramatic production. ALC's drama program is located within its educational vision of acquiring biblical wisdom and cultivating the whole student to become optimally equipped for Kingdom work. Dramatic performance contributes to the proper training and formation of the head, the hands, and the heart with respects to God's created order. Such training often provides students with an intrinsic sense of meaning and purpose thus drawing them out of "selfward" isolation and into the broader community. At the elementary and middle school levels, students learn how to optimize their abilities to memorize and conquer stage fear while at the high school level training in eloquence and articulation is conducted. The high school play in particular is completely student-directed, from staging and blocking to costumes and props. High school performances also include two dessert theaters - another opportunity for students to serve and strive for excellence. Graduates regularly and fondly recall the relationship-building and character-testing times the ALC plays were for them over the years.
High School Play - Spring 2020
Order event tickets here.
By Pat Cook
This year's ALC drama team has selected a more recently written play called Clockwork published during that distinguished era of the last century: "The 1990's." It is a murder-mystery but falls into the category of "dark comedy" focusing on a dysfunctional wealthy family's unique and peculiar interactions during a series of - shall we say - "dispatchings." Marked by greed, deception and deceit, may the characters be vivid reminders of what our hearts tend toward when separated from the sanctifying Spirit of God. The Bible informs us that the wages of sin is death. This play hits the nail on the head in that regard, and moreover, like sin itself, it makes its practitioners look ridiculous in the end.