"Teach a man to learn"
.Walker Percy once stated something akin to this: "Education is a conversation between a young person and an older one."
In Neil Postman's book, The End of Education, he raises the valid question of why do we educate? I attempted to answer this question in my final paper for my M.S.Ed. degree. From research to conversations, it ultimately boiled down to this:
The educated man must be able to T.E.A.C.H. (Quaint, huh?)
T - Think discerningly (head)
E - Empathize rationally (heart)
A - Act readily (hands)
C - Communicate effectively (mouth)
H - Hear respectfully (Ears)
For more thoughts on this simple five-finger acronym, visit the Kilns Newsletter section beginning with May 2019 - September 2019.
In Neil Postman's book, The End of Education, he raises the valid question of why do we educate? I attempted to answer this question in my final paper for my M.S.Ed. degree. From research to conversations, it ultimately boiled down to this:
The educated man must be able to T.E.A.C.H. (Quaint, huh?)
T - Think discerningly (head)
E - Empathize rationally (heart)
A - Act readily (hands)
C - Communicate effectively (mouth)
H - Hear respectfully (Ears)
For more thoughts on this simple five-finger acronym, visit the Kilns Newsletter section beginning with May 2019 - September 2019.